American Badger in the business of digging a new den. This Badger I ran into was looking to shelter from an oncoming storm front. It is a harsh life in areas where badgers live. Open prairies and grasslands are unsheletered suffering extremes of dry, hot, wet or cold. Beneath the soil these animals can ride it out for a while. I have often found Taxidea Taxus already in their den area but to find one digging its home is very special.
Tag: wild kingdom
I’m pretty sure anyone my age or older remembers the TV show “Wild Kingdom” hosted by Marlin Perkins. It was staple diet watching for us back in Australia. Let’s fast forward to early 2016 when I was trying to research badgers and found that there really was not much information available. No one seemed to want to talk about them and they were “too hard to find.” The only guy that gave me any good information was a farmer who had some interactions that occurred mainly at night. Hard text from any researchers was not online and I could not find any dedicated books. I did find some amazing photos online by a photographer with a circle of life series showing American Badgers successfully hunting Prairie Dogs but not much else. Well along comes YouTube and this episode of Wild Kingdom “The Summer of the Badger”. Of course a lot of this is setup to tell a story but it was great to finally get some insights into this mysterious animal that was creating all these holes over Point Reyes National Park. So I hope you enjoy this video like I did. It also features otters, coyotes, raptors and other crittas of the prairie.